Thoughts of a Mother, No Regrets I am a writer, a lover, a singer, and a painter. Delusions of grandeur. I am a mother. I live to serve and pick up after and dote on the small person that calls me mommy. I love to help her and do for her. I will never right the great novel and I will never paint the next Mona Lisa. Going on tour with a group is never going to happen. But, I will educate and play and love. I will go to the park and join the PTA and be the best Girl Scout mom in the world. No stranger will see my written word and praise it, no one will buy my paintings on auction in New York and no one will think I am an intellectual genius. I will never be a great hero. But my daughter will think I am wonderful, will want to know what I think. She will one day see my painting and read my half-written novels. She will love and miss me all the more for them. I will be her Hero.